Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Aqua at 9am

is a totally different experience than aqua at 5:45 am.
  1) there are about 7x more people there.
  2) I'm mostly awake.
  3) At least on Wednesdays, the teacher is a guy....who likes using water dumb-bells.
    I really enjoyed practicing my boxing moves I learned on the Wii underwater with weights.  I also enjoyed the relative anonymity in a group that size.  All was well until it was time for the dreaded noodle.
   I'm sorry for sounding sexist, but for decency's sake, a guy really shouldn't be teaching a bunch of middle-age/old ladies how to use a least not in a pool.My inner juvenile thought "pole dancing" when the first thing we had to do was straddle it.  We were instructed on having a "happy noodle", and a "sad noodle" as well.  One lady near me shared my thoughts apparently, saying
"I'm not sure I can make mine sad under water.  It's kind of stiff."
  Soon after, we were all waving our noodles in the air.
   Everything after that was kind of anticlimactic.  We cooled down, shook it off, and stretched.  Overall, everyone was friendly, and really, Mr. D was an absolute riot.  Who knows, I may even go back next Wednesday.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Yes, i am back at MRCC.

Community center how I love thee.  Thy variety of classes at a reasonable cost.
The hours ranging from 5:45-12:00 for start times, and again from 4-7.
Yet there's not much variety in what I do. 
I'm back to Tai Chi.  Yes, for now, I'm back at the ever-controversial yoga.  I'm just not comfortable using weights, so my own body is my best resistance for strength training for now.  The extra flexibility is a bonus.  I've been to an aqua aerobics class....I'm going to try a mid-morning one tomorrow since getting up at 4:45 isn't my area of strength.   
This go round though, if I miss a day, I have back-up at home.   Today I chose to stay in bed at 4:45 this am when dh's alarm went off.  Therefore I used my "golds gym Latin workout" personal trainer on the Wii.  I was sweating at the end, so that's a good sign right?
   My husband was smirking at the end.  He was working from home today, and apparently likes the rhino dance moves.  I told him he should do it himself next time since he found it so entertaining.   This is why I need to get up at 4:45 to make my class....or he needs to go back to the office.