Community center how I love thee. Thy variety of classes at a reasonable cost.
The hours ranging from 5:45-12:00 for start times, and again from 4-7.
Yet there's not much variety in what I do.
I'm back to Tai Chi. Yes, for now, I'm back at the ever-controversial yoga. I'm just not comfortable using weights, so my own body is my best resistance for strength training for now. The extra flexibility is a bonus. I've been to an aqua aerobics class....I'm going to try a mid-morning
one tomorrow since getting up at 4:45 isn't my area of strength.
This go round though, if I miss a day, I have back-up at home. Today I chose to stay in bed at 4:45 this am when dh's alarm went off. Therefore I used my "golds gym Latin workout" personal trainer on the Wii. I was sweating at the end, so that's a good sign right?
My husband was smirking at the end. He was working from home today, and apparently likes the rhino dance moves. I told him he should do it himself next time since he found it so entertaining. This is why I need to get up at 4:45 to make my class....or he needs to go back to the office.
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